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Hermes-core client

Hermes-core client #

The Client for Hermes-core needs to have access to all the 3 Stores (Data store, Credential store, Keystore). The key (token) used by the Client must be present in the Credential store on the Server side of Hermes-core to allow for further operations on documents.

It’s also recommended that you take a look at the example Clients written in C, Python, and Go before proceeding with building your own.

To create your own Hermes-based app (the one that includes Server, Client, and Transport between the components), use the detailed instruction in Creating your own Hermes-based app (long tutorial).

Hermes-core client API interface #

The Client-side component of Hermes-core is called mid_hermes_t and is declared in hermes/mid_hermes/mid_hermes.h.

mid_hermes_t represents all the Hermes-core’s functions as a simple CRUD interface to an abstract remote storage.

Interface #


typedef struct mid_hermes_type mid_hermes_t;

mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes_create(
        const uint8_t *user_id, const size_t user_id_length,
        const uint8_t *private_key, const size_t private_key_length,
        hm_rpc_transport_t *key_store_transport,
        hm_rpc_transport_t *data_store_transport,
        hm_rpc_transport_t *credential_store_transport);

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_destroy(mid_hermes_t **mh);

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_create_block(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        uint8_t **id, size_t *id_length,
        const uint8_t *block, const size_t block_length,
        const uint8_t *meta, const size_t meta_length);

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_read_block(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t block_id_length,
        uint8_t **block, size_t *block_length,
        uint8_t **meta, size_t *meta_length);

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_update_block(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t block_id_length,
        const uint8_t *block, const size_t block_length,
        const uint8_t *meta, const size_t meta_length);

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_delete_block(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes, const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t block_id_length);

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_rotate_block(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes, const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t block_id_length);

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_grant_read_access(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t bloc_id_length,
        const uint8_t *user_id, const size_t user_id_length);

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_grant_update_access(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t bloc_id_length,
        const uint8_t *user_id, const size_t user_id_length);

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_deny_read_access(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t bloc_id_length,
        const uint8_t *user_id, const size_t user_id_length);

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_deny_update_access(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t bloc_id_length,
        const uint8_t *user_id, const size_t user_id_length);

To construct the mid_hermes_t instance function mid_hermes_create, in addition to the user id and the user private key, three transports instances to Credential store, Data store, and Keystore are needed respectively.

You can check client the implementation in docs/examples/c/mid_hermes/client/hermes_client.c

First, you need to connect to all the services of Credential store, Data store, and Keystore, and create a Secure Session between them using the Hermes wrapper (unless you want to use non-secure unencrypted open transports like TCP/UDP/Websocket or want to implement your own means of supporting encryption like TLS/SSL).

Create a connection to Credential store:

transports_container_t container = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
container.raw_credential_store_transport = server_connect(CREDENTIAL_STORE_IP, CREDENTIAL_STORE_PORT);

Here calling the function server_connect(CREDENTIAL_STORE_IP, CREDENTIAL_STORE_PORT) must return the implementation of the transport interface defined in include/hermes/rpc/transport.h.

A simple TCP/IP socket transport implementation can be found in the following examples: docs/examples/c/mid_hermes/common/transport.h docs/examples/c/mid_hermes/common/transport.c

The transport needs to be wrapped into Themis Secure Session by calling the create_secure_transport function from include/hermes/secure_transport/transport.h and passing the user’s id, user’s public key that will be used for establishing the session, ID of the service we’re connecting to (in this case it is Credential store), the service’s public key, and the transport that’s being wrapped.

The type of connection that needs to be established must also be indicated here - either the server type (then the last parameter will be true) or the client type (the last parameter will be false).

The necessity to indicate the connection type is due to the fact that the session is always initialized by the Client who needs to send a request for establishing a session. You can read more about Themis Secure Session.

container.credential_store_transport = create_secure_transport(
        user_id, user_id_length, 
        user_private_key, user_private_key_length, 
        credential_store_pk, sizeof(credential_store_pk),
        credential_store_id, strlen((char*)credential_store_id), 

The connection with Data store and Keystore is created in a similar manner 1, 2.

Now the mid_hermes object can be created and the requests to the API will be sent through it. When creating the mid_hermes object, the following parameters need to be passed - user_id and its private_key, as well as the 3 connections to the services, created earlier:

mh = mid_hermes_create(
    user_id, user_id_length,
    user_private_key, user_private_key_length,

After a successful creation of an instance of mid_hermes_t, all the instances of the interface method can be called. Each mid_hermes_t interface method represents one of the Hermes operations:

1. CREATE block #

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_create_block(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        uint8_t **id, size_t *id_length,
        const uint8_t *block, const size_t block_length,
        const uint8_t *meta, const size_t meta_length);

2. READ block #

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_read_block(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t block_id_length,
        uint8_t **block, size_t *block_length,
        uint8_t **meta, size_t *meta_length);

3. UPDATE block #

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_update_block(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t block_id_length,
        const uint8_t *block, const size_t block_length,
        const uint8_t *meta, const size_t meta_length);

4. DELETE block #

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_delete_block(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes, 
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t block_id_length);

5. ROTATE block #

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_rotate_block(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes, 
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t block_id_length);

6. GRANT read access #

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_grant_read_access(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t bloc_id_length,
        const uint8_t *user_id, const size_t user_id_length);

7. GRANT update access #

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_grant_update_access(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t bloc_id_length,
        const uint8_t *user_id, const size_t user_id_length);

8. DENY read access #

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_deny_read_access(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t bloc_id_length,
        const uint8_t *user_id, const size_t user_id_length);

9. DENY update access #

hermes_status_t mid_hermes_deny_update_access(
        mid_hermes_t *mid_hermes,
        const uint8_t *block_id, const size_t bloc_id_length,
        const uint8_t *user_id, const size_t user_id_length);