Installing Hermes from repository #
To see Hermes-core working, you need to perform the following actions.
Hermes-core is available for the following versions of operating systems:
- Debian: Wheezy, Jessie, Stretch;
- Ubuntu: Trusty Tahr, Xenial Xerus, Yakkety Yak, Zesty Zapus.
- CentOS: 7.
Installing for Debian / Ubuntu #
- Import the public key used by Cossack Labs to sign packages:
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
Note: If you wish to validate key fingerprint, it is: 29CF C579 AD90 8838 3E37 A8FA CE53 BCCA C8FF FACB
- You may need to install the apt-transport-https package before proceeding:
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
- Add Cossack Labs repository to your
You should add a line that specifies your OS name and the release name:
deb$OS $RELEASE main
should bedebian
should be one of Debian or Ubuntu release names. You can determine this by runninglsb_release -cs
, if you havelsb_release
We currently build packages for the following OS and RELEASE combinations:
- Debian “Wheezy” (Debian 7)
- Debian “Jessie” (Debian 8)
- Debian “Stretch” (Debian 9)
- Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (Ubuntu 14.04)
- Ubuntu Xenial Xerus (Ubuntu 16.04)
- Ubuntu Yakkety Yak (Ubuntu 16.10)
- Ubuntu Zesty Zapus (Ubuntu 17.04)
For example, if you are running Debian 8 “Jessie”, run:
echo "deb jessie main" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cossacklabs.list
- Reload local package database:
sudo apt-get update
- Install the package
sudo apt-get install libhermes-core
If you want to run examples or tests, install dev packages, too:
sudo apt-get install libhermes-core libhermes-core-dev libthemis-dev
Installing for CentOS / RHEL / OEL #
Note, we only build RPM packages for x86_64.
- Import the public key used by Cossack Labs to sign packages:
sudo rpm --import
Note: If you wish to validate key fingerprint, it is: 29CF C579 AD90 8838 3E37 A8FA CE53 BCCA C8FF FACB
- Create a Yum repository file for Cossack Labs package repository:
wget -qO - | \
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/cossacklabs.repo
- Install the package:
sudo yum install libhermes-core
If you want to run examples or tests, install dev packages, too:
sudo yum install libhermes-core libhermes-core-devel libthemis-devel
What to do after the installation #
Consider checking full tutorials to understand how to add and update blocks, grant READ and UPDATE access right for users and revoke access rights.
- Building example apps describe how examples work and what are possible usages for Hermes-core.
- C tutorial, where both service and client app are written in C.
- Python tutorial, where service side is C-based, but client code runs on Python.
- Go tutorial, where service side is C-based, but client code runs on Go.