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Security events

Security events #

Acra’s security log is specifically pre-configured to be helpful to SIEM/SOC operators in building analytics and automation around security events.

All security events have a specific event code that indicates the exact type of the event. As example, EventCodeErrorCantLoadMasterKey = 512 code means that Acra can’t load Acra Master Key during initialisation on a startup. Refer to the full list of the event codes.

Another example EventCodeErrorDecryptorRecognizedPoisonRecord = 587 event. This event indicates that AcraServer or AcraTranslator has noticed Poison record (honeytoken / honeypot) in the encrypted data during decryption. These poison records can be inserted to catch situations like malicious SQL client attempting to dump the whole database. Read more about intrusion detection.

Acra can export security events to your SIEM. Don’t hesitate to use it. Refer to SIEM/SOC integration.

Metadata #

Typically, each event has additional fields giving specific context about what’s happening:

  • Timestamp (always present).
  • ClientID for encryption/decryption operations – AcraServer logs the ID of client application that triggered the operation (helpful to analyze errors happened for specific application).
  • ZoneID for encryption/decryption operations related to the specific Zone (zones are deprecated since 0.94.0, will be removed in 0.95.0).

List of important security events #

Here are the most important security events for SIEM/SOC analysis. Refer to the full list of the event codes.

General errors #

EventCodeErrorGeneral         = 500
EventCodeErrorWrongParam      = 501
EventCodeErrorInvalidClientID = 502

Startup and initialization errors of AcraServer and AcraTranslator #

EventCodeErrorCantStartService             = 505
EventCodeErrorCantForkProcess              = 506
EventCodeErrorWrongConfiguration           = 507
EventCodeErrorCantReadServiceConfig        = 508
EventCodeErrorCantCloseConnectionToService = 509
EventCodeErrorCantGetFileDescriptor     = 520
EventCodeErrorCantOpenFileByDescriptor  = 521
EventCodeErrorFileDescriptionIsNotValid = 522
EventCodeErrorCantRegisterSignalHandler = 523

Key management and key access errors #

EventCodeErrorCantInitKeyStore             = 510
EventCodeErrorCantReadKeys                 = 511
EventCodeErrorCantLoadMasterKey            = 512
EventCodeErrorCantInitPrivateKeysEncryptor = 513

Encryption-decryption errors #

EventCodeErrorCantInitDecryptor                          = 580
EventCodeErrorDecryptorCantDecryptBinary                 = 581
EventCodeErrorDecryptorCantInitializeTLS                 = 584
EventCodeErrorDecryptorCantDecryptSymmetricKey           = 586

EventCodeErrorDecryptorCantCheckPoisonRecord             = 589
EventCodeErrorDecryptorRecognizedPoisonRecord            = 587
EventCodeErrorDecryptorCantHandleRecognizedPoisonRecord  = 583

EventCodeErrorEncryptorInitialization        = 901
EventCodeErrorDataEncryptorInitialization    = 902
EventCodeErrorCantEncryptData                = 904

Transport and network connection errors #

EventCodeErrorCantAcceptNewConnections   = 533
EventCodeErrorCantHandleSecureSession    = 535
EventCodeErrorCantCloseConnection        = 536
EventCodeErrorCantInitClientSession      = 537
EventCodeErrorCantWrapConnection         = 538
EventCodeErrorConnectionDroppedByTimeout = 539
EventCodeErrorNetworkTLSGeneral          = 1302

Database communication errors #

EventCodeErrorCantConnectToDB       = 540
EventCodeErrorCantCloseConnectionDB = 541
EventCodeErrorProtocolProcessing    = 600

EventCodeErrorCodingCantParsePostgresqlParseCommand   = 1202
EventCodeErrorCodingPostgresqlUnexpectedPacket        = 1203

Acra Request Firewall errors #

EventCodeErrorCensorQueryIsNotAllowed   = 560
EventCodeErrorCensorSetupError          = 561
EventCodeErrorCensorBackgroundError     = 562
EventCodeErrorCensorQueryParseError     = 563

AcraServer specific errors #

EventCodeErrorGeneralConnectionProcessing = 1100
EventCodeErrorCreateFileFromDescriptor    = 1101

AcraTranslator specific errors #

EventCodeErrorTranslatorCantHandleHTTPRequest       = 700
EventCodeErrorTranslatorMethodNotAllowed            = 701
EventCodeErrorTranslatorMalformedURL                = 702	
EventCodeErrorTranslatorZoneIDMissing               = 706
EventCodeErrorTranslatorCantDecryptAcraStruct       = 707
EventCodeErrorTranslatorCantReturnResponse          = 708
EventCodeErrorTranslatorCantHandleHTTPConnection    = 710
EventCodeErrorTranslatorCantAcceptNewHTTPConnection = 712
EventCodeErrorTranslatorCantHandleGRPCConnection    = 713
EventCodeErrorTranslatorClientIDMissing             = 714
EventCodeErrorTranslatorCantAcceptNewGRPCConnection = 715