Searchable encryption #
Store data encrypted in a database, yet keep the ability to run simple queries over encrypted fields without decrypting them.
A trivial way of searching through rows with encrypted columns would require downloading part of encrypted database, decrypting all those columns and comparing decrypted values with what is being searched. Obviously, this is quite inefficient as it requires one to iterate over the whole table.
Searchable encryption makes it much more efficient.
It makes AcraServer/AcraTranslator to generate a hash of data, to store this hash next to encrypted data and then to use it during search.
Current implementation uses hashes created by HMAC-SHA256 and only finds columns with the values exactly the same as was searched.
This means only queries like
SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE encrypted_column = "value"
will work, but not
SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE encrypted_column LIKE "prefix%"
Note: Acra Enterprise Edition supports functionality of searchable encryption withlike
(PostgreSQL only) statements since 0.94.0.
AcraServer/AcraTranslator also provide the ability to join tables rows using JOIN
queries through searchable functionality.
For example, queries like that:
SELECT ... FROM ... JOIN table ON table.searchable_encrypted_column = "value"
Moreover, table rows could be joined not only via ON searchable_encrypted_column = <value>
, but via the searchable column of another table as well.
SELECT ... FROM table1 JOIN table ON table1.searchable_encrypted_column = table2.searchable_encrypted_column
In such cases, it is important to have searchable data in both tables encrypted via the same ClientID to have the same calculated keyed hash, otherwise, rows won’t be joined.
Consider an example of modification of the searchable query received in AcraServer/AcraTranslator.
Initial query received by AcraServer/AcraTranslator:
SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE searchable_column = "value"
Under the hood, AcraServer/AcraTranslator will calculate a keyed hash of plaintext data (blind index
), then actually encrypt the data into AcraStruct/AcraBlock, then return "blind index|AcraStruct or AcraBlock"
envelope to store in a database. Thus, the actual plaintext data is encrypted and searching is based on keyed hashes.
The left expression of the WHERE statement is changed on substring
operator over the searchable binary data column to extract and check matching with the calculated hash, represented as the right side expression.
Ultimately, the final view of the searchable query constructed by AcraServer/AcraTranslator and sent to the database will look like this:
SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE substring(searchable_column, 1, <HMAC_size>) = '\x<HASH_value>` (PostgreSQL)
Due to MySQL has ambiguous behaviour with filtering over binary data in text format, for MySQL added explicit casting search hash to bytes:
SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE convert(substr(searchable_column, ...), binary) = 0xFFFFF (MySQL)
If the query is a parameterized prepared statement query:
SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE searchable_column = $1
then AcraServer/AcraTranslator reconstruct the query in the same manner but calculates the keyed hash during the processing of bound values for prepared statements.
SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE substring(searchable_column, 1, <HMAC_size>) = $1
SQL statements for searchable encryption queries.
Two components can provide searchable encryption functionality:
- AcraServer — transparent searchable encryption of fields marked as
queries, calculating hash and searching by hash forSELECT
queries, with per column configuration. - AcraTranslator — provides gRPC and HTTP API calls to encrypt data field into searchable form, and to generate searchable hash from plaintext search query.
The fact that one can only search for exact value is the consequence of using secure keyed hash function. Such functions are very sensitive to the input and will return completely different result even with the smallest change of input data (column value in our case).
Searchable encryption with like #
Acra Enterprise Edition also provide the ability of searchable encryption with like
queries over encrypted fields.
By specifying searchable_prefix: <number>
config property under the column should be used in dynamic search, AcraServer will generate and store additional search hashes.
Consider an example of the workflow of searchable encryption with like
- expected field to be searched withlike
Example of encryptor config with searchable
and searchable_prefix
- table: table_name
- search_field
- column: search_field
searchable: true
searchable_prefix: 3
On query:
INSERT INTO table_name (search_field) VALUES ('value');
Instead of generating one search hash of the value
, AcraServer will generate number of searchable_prefix
+ hash('va')
+ hash('val')
When searching:
SELECT ... FROM table_name WHERE search_field like 'val%'
SELECT ... FROM table_name WHERE search_field like 'va%'
AcraServer will dynamically shift exact number of bytes to match with hash(val)
and transform to:
SELECT ... FROM table_name WHERE search_field substring(search_field, len('val') * <HMAC_size> + 1 , <HMAC_size>) = 'hash(val)`
SELECT ... FROM table_name WHERE search_field substring(search_field, len('va') * <HMAC_size> + 1 , <HMAC_size>) = 'hash(va)`
Currently, its only possible to make queries with %
sign on the right.
SELECT ... FROM .... WHERE search_field like 'value%' - OK
SELECT ... FROM .... WHERE search_field like '%value' - NOT OK
SELECT ... FROM .... WHERE search_field like 'val%ue' - NOT OK
Note: Dynamic searchable encryption withlike
queries has additional storage overhead, as the number of search hashes increases from one to number ofsearchable_prefix
AcraServer configuration #
Searchable encryption can be configured for individual columns in --encryptor_config_file
For example:
- table: table_name
# ...
- email
- column: email
# In order to make column searchable,
# simply set `searchable` property to `true`,
# this feature is disabled by default
searchable: true
# In order to make column searchable with like (applies for AcraEE only)
searchable_prefix: <number>
Searchable encryption is supported for both AcraStructs and AcraBlocks.
Database configuration #
There are also some considerations to take into account when configuring database column to be both searchable and encrypted. See DB indexes page for more details.
AcraTranslator API #
Zones are deprecated since 0.94.0, will be removed in 0.95.0. ZoneID parameters will be removed or ignored. AcraTranslator will expect explicitly specified ClientID in gRPC API or will use ClientID from TLS certificates.
Encrypt and decrypt data with service SearchableEncryption
message SearchableEncryptionRequest {
// (optional) use encryption key of this client ID
// instead of the one derived from the connection
bytes client_id = 1;
// (optional) use encryption key of this zone ID
bytes zone_id = 2;
// data to encrypt
bytes data = 3;
message SearchableEncryptionResponse {
// hash of the encrypted value, could be used in search
bytes hash = 1;
// encrypted data, in AcraStruct crypto envelope
bytes acrastruct = 2;
message SearchableDecryptionRequest {
// (optional) use decryption key of this client ID
// instead of the one derived from the connection
bytes client_id = 1;
// (optional) use decryption key of this zone ID
bytes zone_id = 2;
// AcraStruct to decrypt
bytes data = 3;
// hash of the plaintext, to check decrypted data integrity
bytes hash = 4;
message SearchableDecryptionResponse {
// plaintext, result of decryption
bytes data = 1;
// alternative to SearchableEncryptionRequest,
// produces AcraBlocks
message SearchableSymEncryptionRequest {
bytes client_id = 1;
bytes zone_id = 2;
bytes data = 3;
message SearchableSymEncryptionResponse {
bytes hash = 1;
bytes acrablock = 2;
message SearchableSymDecryptionRequest {
bytes client_id = 1;
bytes zone_id = 2;
bytes data = 3;
bytes hash = 4;
message SearchableSymDecryptionResponse {
bytes data = 1;
message QueryHashRequest {
bytes client_id = 1;
bytes zone_id = 2;
// (unencrypted) data to hash
bytes data = 3;
message QueryHashResponse {
// cryptographic hash of input data, will remain the same
// if all the inputs (including client ID and zone ID) are the same;
// EncryptSearchable and EncryptSymSearchable will also return
// the same hash for same inputs, thus you can use hashing to find
// out whether some encrypted data was the same as the hashed one
bytes hash = 1;
service SearchableEncryption {
rpc EncryptSearchable (SearchableEncryptionRequest) returns (SearchableEncryptionResponse) {}
rpc DecryptSearchable (SearchableDecryptionRequest) returns (SearchableDecryptionResponse) {}
rpc EncryptSymSearchable (SearchableSymEncryptionRequest) returns (SearchableSymEncryptionResponse) {}
rpc DecryptSymSearchable (SearchableSymDecryptionRequest) returns (SearchableSymDecryptionResponse) {}
rpc GenerateQueryHash (QueryHashRequest) returns (QueryHashResponse) {}
Searchable encryption/decryption is essentially the same as usual encryption/decryption, but uses methods with slightly different names that do slightly different things. Due to this difference you should not mix them,encrypt
for example will not work as you’d expect.
Encryption/decryption request #
Method: POST
(available since 0.91.0), GET
(deprecated since 0.91.0)
Mime-Type: application/json
Body: {"data":"dGVzdCBkYXRh","zone_id":"DDDDDDDDQHpbUSOgYTzqCktp"}
is base64 encoded data you want to encrypt or decrypt, andzone_id
is optional field specifying the zone ID you want to associate with this request (otherwise, AcraTranslator will use the key associated with client ID of the application performing the request).
Path | Crypto envelope |
/v2/encryptSearchable |
AcraStruct |
/v2/decryptSearchable |
AcraStruct |
/v2/encryptSymSearchable |
AcraBlock |
/v2/decryptSymSearchable |
AcraBlock |
Do not attempt to mix operations with two different crypto envelopes. It won’t work, and you will get decryption errors.
Note that these AcraStruct/AcraBlock are the same ones AcraServer can use. You can, for example, encrypt something into AcraStruct with AcraTranslator, store it in a database, and then AcraServer will be able to transparently decrypt it. Or use transparent encryption via AcraServer, then read it manually directly from a database, and ask AcraTranslator to decrypt it.
Encryption/decryption response #
Status code: 200
Mime-Type: application/json
Body: {"data":"6xgRpbJLsojSwHgmBHA="}
Response data will be base64 encoded as well, even if it contains text string as a result of decryption.
In case of error:
Status code:
{"code":400,"message":"invalid request body"}
will contain error code, andmessage
will contain short description of error
Hash generation request #
Method: POST
(available since 0.91.0), GET
(deprecated since 0.91.0)
Path: /v2/generateQueryHash
Mime-Type: application/json
Body: {"data":"dGVzdCBkYXRh","zone_id":"DDDDDDDDQHpbUSOgYTzqCktp"}
is base64 encoded data you want hash, andzone_id
is optional field specifying the zone ID you want to associate with this request (otherwise, AcraTranslator will use the key associated with client ID of the application performing the request).
Hash generation response #
Status code: 200
Mime-Type: application/json
Body: {"data":"6xgRpbJLsojSwHgmBHA="}
in this case will contain cryptographic hash of the data passed in the request.
You can later use this hash:
- Take first N bytes (N = length of hash) for every “encrypted” value that requires further searching,
- Compare that prefix with the hash
- If they match, the encrypted data was exactly the same as you’ve just hashed
Of course, mismatch in client ID or zone ID or the hashed/encrypted data will result in different hashes, so in this case search will not work.
Limitations #
Acra Community Edition does offer core search functionality, which is sufficiently secure for usage in non-security-critical workloads.
Acra Community Edition has following limitations for searchable encryption:
- Lack of bloom filters - current Acra Community Edition does not contain bloom-filter based improvements for both security and performance.
- Lack of rotating searchable encryption keys (not a very big problem unless you use searchable encryption really a lot).
- Lack of entropy management - Acra Community Edition allows you to generate search indexes as insecure as you want, without warning you.
- Inability to store search hashes separate from a ciphertext (coming eventually), so search in Acra Community Edition limits you to the databases that support functional indexes.
- Performance optimisations - the way data is fetched, stored and processed is as straightforward as possible, which has certain performance costs.
- Lack of data normalization - in Acra Community Edition, data normalization duties are laid on database administrator / application developer, thus index efficiency is completely dependent on end-user.
Searchable encryption in Acra Enterprise Edition #
Acra Enterprise Edition features extended tooling to make use of searchable encryption in production environments with heavy security risks.
This section will feature description of additional tooling of Acra Enterprise Edition version once updated documentation is finalized.