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Building and installing AcraWriter

Building and installing AcraWriter #

AcraWriter is available in Acra Enterprise Edition only.

AcraWriter wraps plaintext data into encrypted AcraStructs – cryptographic containers used by Acra. You pass your input data and AcraServer’s public key to AcraWriter, and it returns you encrypted AcraStruct that will be stored in the database. Once you encrypt data with AcraWriter, only the AcraServer will be able to decrypt it.

AcraWriter (and Acra) use Themis cryptographic library. Essentially, AcraWriter is a high-level wrapper around Themis, using its cryptosystems to generate AcraStructs.

Themis is highly portable and supports many platforms and languages. At the moment, AcraWriter supports only some of these platforms:

  • Android apps written in Kotlin, Java
  • iOS apps written in Swift, Objective-C
  • desktop apps in a variety of languages:
    • C++
    • Node.js
    • PHP
    • Python
    • Ruby

Installing AcraWriter for your language #

Acra uses Themis for performing cryptographic operations. AcraWriter is essentially a high-level wrapper of Themis (some of its low-level cryptosystems) that generates AcraStructs from input data and public key.

There are many languages / architectures supported by Themis, and eventually, most of them will support AcraWriter, too.

Common steps for all languages #

1. Install dependencies

sudo apt install git make build-essential

2. Install Themis

3. Get Acra sources

For some languages/platforms you can use language specific package manager (Python, Ruby, iOS), but some support installing only from sources (Node.js, Golang, C++, PHP). For second languages you need to get Acra sources.

git clone https://github.com/cossacklabs/acra.git
cd acra

Installing AcraWriter for Python #

Before building AcraWriter for Python, make sure you’ve installed Themis as system library!

Installation #

sudo apt install python-pip
pip install acrawriter

Testing #

from pythemis.skeygen import GenerateKeyPair, KEY_PAIR_TYPE
from acrawriter import create_acrastruct

keypair = GenerateKeyPair(KEY_PAIR_TYPE.EC)
create_acrastruct(b'some data', keypair.export_public_key())


'""""""""UEC2\x00\x00\x00-\xc2\xda\xbc\x03\x03`/\xc5\x8d.|DuX\xc4\x1c\xe5\x11\xd2>.\xc7.\xf3\xe5\xa5\xec\x83\xdbC\xd9\xdb/\x85K\x19\xe5 \'\x04&T\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01@\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00\xb1o\xde\xbf\xcc\xa1\xe6\x13\x00MT)\x98\x95@Z?\xd1\xea\xa2n\xa1\xf7\x93\x9dD\xf4Gr\n?8J\x94\x1c$\x86\x91\xdc\x05^\x1d\xe0>\x18ru\xa4A\x04\xf9\x98X]\x13\x9c$\x97~\x145\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01@\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00D\xe7\xafw\x82\xb3\xff"q3\x94\x17X\x14+\xe6e\x07\xecR>\xc9\x9d\xd4\xa8"T\xf5(\xcf:\x83\xe8\x82\x02\xcf\x16'

Examples #

With Zones and without Zones.

Zones are deprecated since 0.94.0, will be removed in 0.95.0.

A real-world example project that protects Django web application with a set of small Python command-line applications are available in Acra example projects.

Installing AcraWriter for Ruby #

Before building AcraWriter for Ruby, make sure you’ve installed Themis as system library!

Installation #

gem install acrawriter

Test #

gem install --user-install minitest rake
rake test


Finished in 0.003829s, 261.1501 runs/s, 0.0000 assertions/s.

1 runs, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

AcraWriter supports ActiveRecord #

gem 'activerecord_acrawriter'

Examples #

With Zones and without Zones.

A real-world example project that protects Ruby on Rails application is available in Acra example projects.

Installing AcraWriter for Node.js #

Before building AcraWriter for Node.js, make sure you’ve installed Themis as system library!

Installation #

npm install acrawriter

Testing #

cd node_modules/acrawriter/
node test.js



Examples #

With Zones and without Zones.

Building AcraWriter for PHP #

Before building AcraWriter for PHP, make sure you’ve installed Themis as system library!

Installation #

AcraWriter is currently not packaged for PHP. It is available in source form and requires PHPThemis extension to be installed. PHP versions 5.6, 7.0–7.2 are supported.

Please follow PHPThemis installation instructions.

Testing #

php acra/wrappers/php/test.php



Now use acra/wrappers/php/acrawriter.php in your project.

Examples #

With Zones and without Zones

Installing AcraWriter for Go #

Before building AcraWriter for Go, make sure you’ve installed Themis as system library!

Installation #

  • Install GoThemis
  • Run go get github.com/cossacklabs/acra/acra-writer

Testing #

go test github.com/cossacklabs/acra/acra-writer


ok  	github.com/cossacklabs/acra/acra-writer	0.112s

Examples #

With Zones and without Zones

Building AcraWriter for C++ #

Before building AcraWriter for C++, make sure you’ve installed Themis as system library!

Dependencies #

Install ThemisPP (Themis C++ wrapper) as system library

Installation #

Grab acrawriter.hpp source file and add it to your project. Link themis and crypto libs.

Example of CMake file:


//path to acrawriter.hpp file
set(ACRAWRITER ../../wrappers/cpp)


add_executable(my_project ${SOURCE_FILES})
target_link_libraries(my_project themis crypto)

C++ examples and tests #

See CLion project example in examples/cpp for generating AcraStruct with and without Zones, and tests.

Installing AcraWriter for iOS #

Installation via CocoaPods #

Update your Podfile with:

pod 'acrawriter'

AcraWriter for iOS supports bitcode and has Themis (and OpenSSL) as dependencies.

iOS examples and tests #

Check out the iOS project example using Objective-C in examples/objc for generation of an AcraStruct with and without Zones and decrypting them using AcraTranslator via HTTP API.

Check out another iOS project example using Swift in examples/swift for generation of an AcraStruct with and without Zones. For decryption please use Objective-C example.

Building AcraWriter for Android #

Installation #

Installation via maven: AcraWriter is placed into our bintray.

First, update your build.gradle file with URL to our maven repository:

repositories {
        // whatever you have here, add maven
        maven { url "https://dl.bintray.com/cossacklabs/maven/" }

Then link acrawriter from app/build.gradle file:

dependencies {
     // ....
    implementation 'com.cossacklabs.com:acrawriter:1.0.1'

Android examples and tests #

See Android project example in examples/android_java for generating AcraStruct with and without Zones, and decrypting them using AcraTranslator via HTTP API.