Optimizations #
This section contains a set of specific optimizations and practices for your applications and infrastructures when using with Acra.
Infrastructure management and configuration #
Describes how performance will grow with more CPU cores / memory added.
Describes how performance will grow with instances being added.
Contains few hints regarding TLS configuration effect on network performance.
Contains detailed overview about metrics you can enable and collect via Prometheus.
Contains few flags that can be used for debugging purposes, but better to be disabled in production.
Data processing optimizations #
Describes difference between AcraStructs and AcraBlocks (encryption containers).
Contains important notes regarding proper database indexing while having some encrypted columns.
Describes which things could be cached in memory by Acra and how to enable this caching to improve performance.
Resources optimizations #
Reminds that it is a good practice to reuse opened connections to database as much as possible.
Describes how Zones affect performance (zones are deprecated since 0.94.0, will be removed in 0.95.0).
Hints that Acra Enterprise Edition performance is better and describes which troubles your team can avoid when using Acra Enterprise Edition.