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Updating Acra from 0.77.0 to 0.80.0

Migration guide #

Please read the migration guide if at some point you used Acra version 0.77.0 - in Acra 0.80.0 some radical renaming was applied throughout.

The migration guide of moving from Acra 0.77.0 to Acra 0.80.0.

We did a global renaming of Acra components and configuration parameters for most of them. We believe that updated naming will decrease confusion about components' functions and will make Acra setup and usage easier.

If you were using Acra before 0.80.0 release you might want to update configuration files and parameter names.

The main services: #

Old name New name Function
AcraServer AcraServer decrypts data from database
AcraWriter AcraWriter encrypts data on client side
AcraProxy AcraConnector encrypts traffic between client and server using Themis Secure Session
AcraCensor AcraCensor firewall, part of AcraServer, blocks suspicious SQL requests to the database
AcraConfigUI AcraWebConfig lightweight HTTP web server for managing AcraServer’s certain configuration options

Utilities: #

Old name New name Function
acra_rollback AcraRollback decrypts the whole database
acra_genkeys AcraKeymaker generates encryption keys for storage and transport for Acra components
acra_genauth AcraAuthmanager generates user accounts for AcraWebConfig
acra_genpoisonrecord AcraPoisonRecordMaker generates poision records for databases
acra_addzone AcraAddzone generates Zones header for AcraWriter

Configuration parameters #

AcraServer configuration #

Check out the full guide to AcraServer.

Old name New name Function
–censor_config –acracensor_config_file Path to AcraCensor configuration file
–tls –acraconnector_tls_transport_enable Use tls to encrypt transport between AcraServer and AcraConnector/client
–no_encryption –acraconnector_transport_encryption_disable Use raw transport (tcp/unix socket) between AcraServer and AcraConnector/client (don’t use this flag if you not connect to database with ssl/tls)
–injectedcell –acrastruct_injectedcell_enable Acrastruct may be injected into any place of data cell
–wholecell –acrastruct_wholecell_enable Acrastruct will stored in whole data cell (default true)
–auth_keys –auth_keys Path to basic auth passwords. To add user, use: ./acra-authmanager --set --user <user> --pwd <pwd> (default “configs/auth.keys”)
–client_id –client_id Expected client id of AcraConnector in mode without encryption
–config –config_file path to config
-d -d Turn on debug logging
–db_host –db_host Host to db
–db_port –db_port Port to db (default 5432)
-ds -ds Turn on http debug server
–dumpconfig –dump_config dump config
–enable_http_api –http_api_enable Enable HTTP API
–commands_port –incoming_connection_api_port Port for AcraServer for HTTP API (default 9090)
–connection_api_string –incoming_connection_api_string Connection string for api like tcp://x.x.x.x:yyyy or unix:///path/to/socket (default “tcp://")
–close_connections_timeout –incoming_connection_close_timeout Time that AcraServer will wait (in seconds) on restart before closing all connections (default 10)
–host –incoming_connection_host Host for AcraServer (default “”)
–port –incoming_connection_port Port for AcraServer (default 9393)
–connection_string –incoming_connection_string Connection string like tcp://x.x.x.x:yyyy or unix:///path/to/socket (default “tcp://")
–keys_dir –keys_dir Folder from which will be loaded keys (default “.acrakeys”)
–logging_format –logging_format Logging format: plaintext, json or CEF (default “plaintext”)
–mysql –mysql_enable Handle MySQL connections
–escape_bytea –pgsql_escape_bytea Escape format for Postgresql bytea data
–hex_bytea –pgsql_hex_bytea Hex format for Postgresql bytea data (default)
–poisonscript –poison_run_script_file Execute script on detecting poison record
–poisonshutdown –poison_shutdown_enable Stop on detecting poison record
–postgresql –postgresql_enable Handle Postgresql connections (default true)
–server_id –securesession_id Id that will be sent in secure session (default “acra_server”)
–tls_ca –tls_ca Path to root certificate which will be used with system root certificates to validate Postgresql’s and AcraConnector’s certificate
–tls_cert –tls_cert Path to tls certificate
–tls_sni –tls_db_sni Expected Server Name (SNI) from Postgresql
–tls_key –tls_key Path to private key that will be used in TLS handshake with AcraConnector as server’s key and Postgresql as client’s key
–zonemode –zonemode_enable Turn on zone mode
-v -v Log to stderr

AcraConnector configuration #

Check out the full guide to AcraConnector.

Old name New name Function
–acra_commands_port –acraserver_api_connection_port Port of Acra HTTP api (default 9090)
–acra_api_connection_string –acraserver_api_connection_string Connection string to Acra’s API like tcp://x.x.x.x:yyyy or unix:///path/to/socket
–acra_host –acraserver_connection_host IP or domain to AcraServer daemon
–acra_port –acraserver_connection_port Port of AcraServer daemon (default 9393)
–acra_connection_string –acraserver_connection_string Connection string to AcraServer like tcp://x.x.x.x:yyyy or unix:///path/to/socket
–acra_id –acraserver_securesession_id Expected id from AcraServer for Secure Session (default “acra_server”)
–tls –acraserver_tls_transport_enable Use tls to encrypt transport between AcraServer and AcraConnector/client
–no_encryption –acraserver_transport_encryption_disable Use raw transport (tcp/unix socket) between acraserver and acraproxy/client (don’t use this flag if you not connect to database with ssl/tls
–client_id –client_id Client id
–config –config_file path to config
–dumpconfig –dump_config dump config
–enable_http_api –http_api_enable Enable HTTP API
–command_port –incoming_connection_api_port Port for AcraConnector HTTP api (default 9191)
–connection_api_string –incoming_connection_api_string Connection string like tcp://x.x.x.x:yyyy or unix:///path/to/socket (default “tcp://")
–port –incoming_connection_port Port to AcraConnector (default 9494)
–connection_string –incoming_connection_string Connection string like tcp://x.x.x.x:yyyy or unix:///path/to/socket (default “tcp://")
–keys_dir –keys_dir Folder from which will be loaded keys (default “.acrakeys”)
–logging_format –logging_format Logging format: plaintext, json or CEF (default “plaintext”)
–tls_sni –tls_acraserver_sni Expected Server Name (SNI) from AcraServer
–tls_ca –tls_ca Path to root certificate which will be used with system root certificates to validate AcraServer’s certificate
–tls_cert –tls_cert Path to certificate
–tls_key –tls_key Path to private key that will be used in TLS handshake with AcraServer
–disable_user_check –user_check_disable Disable checking that connections from app running from another user
-v -v Log to stderr

AcraWebConfig configuration #

Check out the full guide to AcraWebConfig.

Old name New name Function
–config –config_file path to config
-d -d Turn on debug logging
–acra_host –destination_host Host for AcraServer HTTP endpoint or AcraConnector (default “localhost”)
–acra_port –destination_port Port for AcraServer HTTP endpoint or AcraConnector (default 9191)
–dumpconfig –dump_config dump config
–auth_mode –http_auth_mode Mode for basic auth. Possible values: auth_on/auth_off_local/auth_off (default “auth_on”)
–host –incoming_connection_host Host for AcraWebconfig HTTP endpoint (default “”)
–port –incoming_connection_port Port for AcraWebconfig HTTP endpoint (default 8000)
–logging_format –logging_format Logging format: plaintext, json or CEF (default “plaintext”)
–static_path –static_path Path to static content (default “cmd/acra-webconfig/static”)

AcraRollback configuration #

Check out the full guide to AcraRollback.

Old name New name Function
–client_id –client_id Client id should be name of file with private key
–config –config_file path to config
–connection_string –connection_string Connection string for db
–dumpconfig –dump_config dump config
–escape –escape Escape bytea format
–execute –execute Execute inserts
–insert –insert Query for insert decrypted data with placeholders (pg: $n, mysql: ?)
–keys_dir –keys_dir Folder from which the keys will be loaded (default “.acrakeys”)
–mysql –mysql_enable Handle MySQL connections
–output_file –output_file File for store inserts queries (default “decrypted.sql”)
–postgresql –postgresql_enable Handle Postgresql connections
–select –select Query to fetch data for decryption
–zonemode –zonemode_enable Turn on zone mode

AcraKeymaker configuration #

Check out the full guide to Key management.

Old name New name Function
–client_id –client_id Client id (default “client”)
–config –config_file path to config
–dumpconfig –dump_config dump config
–acraproxy –generate_acraconnector_keys Create keypair for AcraConnector only
–acraserver –generate_acraserver_keys Create keypair for AcraServer only
–basicauth –generate_acrawebconfig_keys Create symmetric key for AcraWebconfig’s basic auth db
–storage –generate_acrawriter_keys Create keypair for data encryption/decryption
–master_key –generate_master_key Generate new random master key and save to file
–output –keys_output_dir Folder where will be saved keys (default “.acrakeys”)
–output_public –keys_public_output_dir Folder where will be saved public key (default “.acrakeys”)

AcraPoisonRecordMaker configuration #

Check out the full guide to Poison records.

Old name New name Function
–config –config_file path to config
–data_length –data_length Length of random data for data block in acrastruct. -1 is random in range 1..100 (default -1)
–dumpconfig –dump_config dump config
–keys_dir –keys_dir Folder from which will be loaded keys (default “.acrakeys”)

AcraAddzone configuration #

Check out the full guide to Zones.

Old name New name Function
–config –config_file path to config
–dumpconfig –dump_config dump config
-fs –fs_keystore_enable Use filesystem key store (default true)
–output_dir –keys_output_dir Folder where will be saved generated zone keys (default “.acrakeys”)