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Storage models

Data storage models #

There are two storage model modes used in Acra to store data in database cell: WholeCell and InjectedCell.

In WholeCell mode, the cryptographic container (AcraStruct or AcraBlock) represents a complete piece of data (i.e. database cell, a file, or some data transmitted into AcraTranslator).

In WholeCell mode it is expected that the encrypted data will look something like:

  1. <CryptoEnvelope>,
  2. <CryptoEnvelope>,
  3. <CryptoEnvelope>.

“CryptoEnvelope” means AcraStruct or AcraBlock, it’s the same as saying “cryptographic container”.

In InjectedCell mode, CryptoEnvelope is stored inside some piece of data, i.e. inside some file or in a database cell with a file inside, with CryptoEnvelope as a piece of that file, not the whole file. In this mode, the encrypted data will look something like this:

  1. <Some CryptoEnvelope data, some other CryptoEnvelope data>,
  2. <CryptoEnvelope>,
  3. <File containing CryptoEnvelope alongside other data>.

The difference between these modes is in performance, usage scenarios and Acra’s support.

In the WholeCell mode, CryptoEnvelope is simply decrypted.

In InjectedCell mode, AcraServer needs to find CryptoEnvelopes inside some other data element first and then decrypt them, which may take a bit longer.

Support #

AcraServer currently supports only InjectedCell mode.

Since Acra 0.90.0 release, the WholeCell mode for AcraServer is deprecated. AcraServer is always working in InjectedCell mode by default. The related configuration flags (--acrastruct_injectedcell_enable and --acrastruct_wholecell_enable) no longer have effect.

AcraTranslator currently supports only WholeCell mode.

AcraTranslator encrypts data into selected CryptoEnvelope, and expects only <CryptoEnvelope> when decrypts data using gRPC/HTTP API.

Comparison #

Let’s consider an example where we’re storing an email in a database, and we’d like to encrypt it, “wrapping” it into an CryptoEnvelope. We’d get a table:

Email Column 2 Column 3
<CryptoEnvelope> Column2Value Column3Value
<CryptoEnvelope> Column2Value Column3Value

In this case, CryptoEnvelope takes up a whole cell, and we are trying to decrypt it as is, without searching for anything.

However, in InjectedCell mode a binary MsgPack or protobuf could be stored in a table, and partial data encryption is possible (for instance, if only one field of protobuf structure is encrypted).

Such data entity would not be a single CryptoEnvelope – it would be a data entity that contains an CryptoEnvelope or several CryptoEnvelopes. This means that in the InjectedCell mode we stop assuming that the database cells can only contain complete CryptoEnvelopes. CryptoEnvelopes can be inside some other pieces of data and that’s where we’re starting to look for them.